Wednesday, November 11, 2009


100 Facts About Pandas from 100FactsAboutPandas on Vimeo.

For example, did you know that if a panda gets struck by lightning,
its black hair turns white and its white hair black? A spread from the
book shown above reveals this affliction. These bears are known to
pandologists as negative pandas
Another fact revealed by the book is that at the height of the cold war,
American Special Forces deployed six robot pandas equipped with
advanced surveillance equipment into the forest of eastern China to
spy on rural military bases (image of one of the robot pandas shown
above). Apparently half of these robo-bears were shot by commercial
poachers in the first week of deployment. The others were adopted
by a cupboard of real pandas, and based on readings from tracking
devices, were still roaming the forests until their batteries wore out
in 1998.
Pandas have no fingerprints. This is believed to be why they are used
as accomplices in many jewel and bank robberies. International law
enforcement agencies arrest around 700 pandas every year.
The book also offers advice in the event of a panda attack. As the
images above show, the following procedure should be followed:
1. Wrap the animal's torso in a towel or blanket so its front legs are
bound to its body. 2. Slap it hard across the face. 3. Deliver the animal
to the authorities.

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